Home Exercise Program (e-guide) with video instructions and 12 weeks of online support from a certified rehabilitation therapist.

Anterior Cruciate Rupture with surgical repair.

An anterior-cruciate tear e-guide with clear instructions can be of great assistance for pets that are recovering from surgery after the injury of the anterior cruciate ligament. The best outcome post-surgery will include the use of a rehabilitation facility that can have a variety of resources such as acupuncture, underwater treadmill, cold laser therapy and therapeutic exercises to assist your pet in gaining strength and returning to activity. In many cases, this is not available to pet owners and we were determined to give them a home program to maximize their pet’s outcome.
We want this group of pets to receive home rehabilitation as we know that a reduction in the range of motion is linked to more arthritis in the future. Our guide will hopefully bridge the gap for pets unable to visit a rehabilitation facility and their post-operative rehabilitation.