Anterior-Cruciate Tear Home Exercise Guide (Without Surgery) Booklet, 23 Pages + 12 Weeks Online Support


Home Exercise Program (e-guide) with video instructions and 12 weeks of online support from a certified rehabilitation therapist.

Anterior Cruciate Rupture with no surgical repair.

A home e-guide can be of great assistance for dogs that have injured their anterior cruciate ligament but for a variety of reasons, are not candidates for surgery. Studies show that the best outcome to help return dogs to being active is a combination of a specific exercise program that often includes an underwater treadmill and the in-person care of a certified rehabilitation therapist.

If you cannot access a clinic an e-guide with good instructions and online support is an excellent choice to help start a home program. We encourage you to use your primary care veterinary team to help you assess your pet’s progress as you help build muscle, range of motion, balance and strength.